Sunday 19 December 2010

Clown waster!

we went on a trip to braford for the 2010 animation festival. I really enjoyed this as it give me a better look into what i want to actually do after university. a video i watched by Andreas Hykadenear called "love and theft". its a hypnotic film which draws you in via great music and a musical structure lending pace and mood; for a captivating journey through an artist's inspirations. it won the grand prix award at the end of the festival.

motion studies (body drawwings)

I wanted to do something different for this project and create bodys in a sort of cartoon form but with muscle shapings still.

my 3D monkey walk is not the best i must say. i was still having trouble with getting grips to knowing how to get something to walk on maya.

life drawwing

after completing my 2D walk cycle we was then giving the task to make this on 3D maya. in lesson we had a attchment called "burt". we didnt have this as homework but i wanted to complete this anyways.

here is my 2D walk animation cycle. in this 2D practical i realised after i fineshed it that i didnt put alot of effort to make it look like someone is actually walking, plus i only used six frames to complete this.

Saturday 11 December 2010

inspiration (jimbo phillips)

my style of drawwing that i love to do is taken from an artist i looked at many years ago and still today i very much love this way of style. jimbo phillips is a world class artist, he has worked for the famous santa cruz and even been in the game tony hawks american wasterland. here below is a couple examples of his work.

down below are a few of my drawwings over the last few years of his inspiration i took and then made into my own style

animal sketches

couple of animal sketch i created with yet again the blue pencil and also water colours

3D dee pose

these are my dee posing different positions. for the first one below i wanted to have a serious pose which turned out very well. we was aloud to add object shapes into this so the person could interact with them, so i went for stairs for the first one. i was very proud with this as i think i have done a good job of him actually lookin like hes falling down the stairs!.

secondly i went for a more harder task to have my person holding a heavy square box. i found this tricky as i tried to get him as perfect as i could. i changed all the movement in his fingers just rights and is reaction of what he would be like if he was holding something heavy in real life. 

here is my 2D reaction animation. i radomly come up with adding the idea of him just falling apart after his miassive shock jump, dont no why but i think it works well. i tryed breaking him up into as many peices as i could get out of his body, so i made his body into many cubes before hand.

life drawwing naked times, ah right

 different poses, each sketch we sketch was 2 minutes long.
 5 minute long sketch. i found with this one was very odd as i made the naked woman look sort of man like with the body build but i find this still effective.
here is another 5 minute sketch of the woman in another position. i quite liked this one as i sort of attempted to add white chalk to give it some sort of shadow effect.

the swinging chain ball was a very complicated job to complete but at the same time i enjoyed this model. i found it amazinof  how you could transform each chain into the movement which would make it look like a actuall real life chain swinging back and forth. i think my swinging chain ball is not to shabby for my first attempt.

the 3D bouncing ball task was very challenging to complete as i have never used the software 3D Maya before. once i got to grips to knowing the basics to maya i was able to now attept to make a ball bounce with the squash technique. i enjoyed creating this as my ball has good bounce to it. i reckon i could of made my ball bounce for abit longer so you see more of the squash.

Monday 6 December 2010

the wonders of the amazin blue pencil

Here below are a few examples of my drawwings with the invincble blue pencil. iv noticed every drawwing that is done in the blue pencil makes every thing look wicked cool.

here is my 2D noise reaction project. i was very happy with this as i did it much different to what we was set. as you can see i went over the top abit but found i did a great job. i was very pleased aswell with my squash technique i was able to fit in as how his heart bounces away. i call it the ART ATTACK