Sunday 4 December 2011

pre production pitch

The pitch with helen with not to bad as it was more my concepts which got me through it than me talking. As one of my cards was "Family feature film" i come up with this story with a mad twist init towards the end.

a brief run down what the story was about was a Man struggling to find a job in new york city but come across a help wanted sign in a post office.

concept 1

He gets the job and starts his paper round. he comes across a letter in his bag with his name onit.

 He then finds out its the woman behind the desk at the post office who is slipping them into his post bag.

concept 3
 He is back at his flat with the letter from her which has a strong scent coming off it...he cannot stop thinking about her.

concept 4
 The next day he comes in to talk to her but cannot bring himself to talk to her.

concept 5
He leaves embarrassed and starts another day delivering. Yet another letter to him but this time with a scent that is to strong which makes william fall to the ground unconscious. 

concept 6
William awakes tied up in a room with the crazy woman. she explains why she is going to kill him becasue she thinks all postmen are the same. She blames them beacuse she once had a boyfreind called Fernando that they use to send letters to but one day he just stopped sending back, which then made her insane and thinks it's to do with the postmen.
I then ended it with william finding a letter on the floor from his bag with the name Fernando onit. she opens the letter and it actually is from him explaining that he went back to his country and asking for her to come over. This then leaves her happy and letting willaim free.

yes no inspiration

We found it hard to get a right sort of style at first but i thought of looking at actually cartoons with pirates in. I researched and found a cartoon i watched when i was young called captain pugwash

captain pugwash
I didnt actually look at the style of how this cartoon was made but mostly its block colours and how simple they are.

When coming to get the style i looked at an illustrator i quite like called Dave Kinsey.

Monday 21 November 2011

Character design

Here is a design of an old grumpy woman for my pre-production. i looked at different characters of old people, for example the old woman in Monster Inc called ROZ, and the not so grumpy but old woman Muriel off courage the cowardly dog.

A quick couple of sketches of William the postman. 

Pirate ship design

out of my different ideas i decided to go for this one below. I wanted to keep the design simple as in the story there's only going to be the pirate with no crew.

chosen idea
 I then went onto putting it into photoshop and started colouring it up!

line work

colour development
 i didn't like the fineshed colour for the ship so i experimented with different colours. We all decided that the first one would be the chosen pirate ship.
colour tests

Thursday 3 November 2011

pre production (rough concepts)

flat appartement


perspective view

Pictures down St.ives (yes no)

As Laura is set to design the backgrounds of St.ives, I journeyed down there to take some snaps for her and also recorded some sounds of seagulls and the waves hitting the beach.

pirate ship

I went down into falmouth and snapped a few shots of around falmouth docks. this would give me a visual of giving me ideas for my drawing of a pirate ship i'm going to design.

sketching ideas
Idea 1

idea 2

idea 3

Idea 4

Idea 5
turn around of idea 5

I decided to go for idea 5 as i wanted to keep it small and simple as the pirate is on his own with no crew.


I decided i wanted to design the pirate for our yes no project. A basic turn around and different emotion drawings of him.
Turn around

different emotions

Saturday 29 October 2011


Here are some sketches of my postman in different action posses.


Thursday 27 October 2011

Saul Steingberg Audi Q5

I come across a very imaginative idea Steingberg created. using a drawing that is stretched across the walls of a box
In 2008 the car company Audi produced an advert which was made in stop motion. They used Steinberg's man in the box to create there advert.

pre production character designing

After researching into my scene, style set and genre i then went into creating character ideas. I looked more into Saul Steinberg's style as i found it hard to go from my style of drawing to his, i reckon I didn't do to bad with a few sketches below..

Different colour lines works well.

Add caption

Too my style.

water colours.

rough sketch turn around

chosen character turn around