Sunday 12 May 2013

snc 05 shot 30

snc 05 shot 24

this scene was a quick lip syncing shot. remember to keep the son looking angry and dominant over is dad I animated him getting closer to his dad as he shouts out fat.

snc 05 shot 23

for shot 23 was the begging of knowing that the merman was getting pulled in by the winch. as this shot was a long shot, i didn't have to worry to much about the lip syncing of the characters. I still had to animate them arguing and then grabbing onto the boat which wasn't to hard to do, just to keep in mind to get the timing right to when they have to hold on when the boat is at a slanted angle. I was fineshed with this shot and then realised it looked not dramatic enough so I thought of animating the door flying open would make it look like a lot more is going on.

Friday 10 May 2013


This shot was my first close up shot i done of one of the characters. I chose to do this shot as i knew i would enjoy animating this scene. This shot didn't take me to long to do as i only had to animate him turning around and then a simple lip sync of a few words. freddy found doing the face controld and lip sync for the fisherman more better, but I found doing the face controls of the son were more clearer and better than the fishermans as the son has it's own facecontrol and the father doesn't.

Thursday 9 May 2013

animating scene 3 shot 11c

Aniamting this shot was a tricky one. I struggled a bit to get thew right fall backwards from the son, to then fall into the lever handle. my first attempt made it look like he's walking back into which then the lever 's speed is to quick from the small force of the son's push. I then attempted a second try to make his fall backwards more dramatic by animating his back swinging back and then swinging to the right. This made his fall back alot more better. the second tricky part was knowing when he should drop his pencil and sketch. I didn't want them both to fall down at the same time as that would make it not look natural. i wanted to show the sketchbook fall first as the sketchbook is seen infront of you rather then the pencil in the left hand is blocked by his body. my opinion from this shot is that I still was not pleased with the fall back of the son. As this shot was only a second long, I didn't want to worry about it for to long long in which i could be wasting time and could be starting on another shot.

animating scene 3 shot 11b

shot 11B was a pretty straight forward easy shot. I was giving next shot from the previous shot (scene 3 shot 11a). It was best that i would animate this shot because of keping the continuity going. with this shot I had to remember for when I animate 11c, to have the son in the same position.

Thursday 2 May 2013

hook line and stinker (lighting test)

here below is a link to some lighting tests that omari has done. (the shot is still not finished)