Thursday 24 January 2013

Motion capture

For our third year project now called “Hook, Line and Stinker”, we have decided to use the university’s motion capture facility for our project. we found that motion capture would be one of the quickest ways of creating the first rough blockthrough for our project. me and freddy acted out our characters motions, so that we get to understand the characters more when we get to the final animation.  

The mo-cap system we are going to use is created by Centroid and works by having 14 infrared cameras and reflective ball suits. Jens Meisner ( who is a freelance 3D-artist and motion capture specialist is going to help us with the capture and the initial clean-up of the mo-cap data

1 comment:

  1. hi..this is kumar babu.. I had 4 years of experience on motion capture...if there is any freelance kindly contact me..have look at my website ....
