Wednesday 27 February 2013

mermaid tattoo desings

I took on the role of designing some mermaids for the fisherman's arm.

idea 1

idea 2
I wasn't to happy on these as i know i could make them look my expressive and more better, so i designed this one below. with idea 3 before i had quite a normal human face with no styled look to it, so i made her face look more like the sons face with big wide eyes and a square nose. we decided that this one will work the most.
I showed freddy idea 3 and he said to add a bra, just incase we wasnt aloud to have naked like she is at the moment. here below is the bra added.

canyon Background

I created this background which is still in process. i designed this for no project, but for my own enjoyment. I played around by using simple shapes and fading colours with different textures on top.

more animatic shots.

character designs for dear nana

i'v decided to give lydia a hand of her project with designing a few characters.
I designed this character which is the farmer in the story. i created him on photos shop with adding a checkered patterned shirt to him. I think the patterned shirt gives it a good effect to it but talking to lydia, this would be hard when animating. I shown lydia what i done but the line work is not what the style is like. looking at her work, she creates her characters by drawing them first on papaer and the adding colour to it by using felt tips. I decided to leave the tablet and went back to designing characters in the sketch book.

I also designed a few sketches of the dog.

more animatic shots

As the animatic is still in process, i was giving more shots to colour in. more examples of a few shots i'v done below.

mermaid turnaround

now that the mermaid was finalised, i decided to create a turnaround for her. the mermaid didn't need a turnaround as she is made up of bits and bobs on the boat but i decided to make one anyways just in case.

I also made some front view shots of the gloves as they would be tricky to create in 3D without knowing what the look like with a full view around. I also drew the bucket close up as from the turnaround you cannot see what the bucket is like, example being rusty and full of dents.

Monday 18 February 2013

more mermaid designs

The mermaid was still undecided and a few of the early designed objects i designed was not what i wanted to use. I thought id try taking off the shell bra and placing it with a rugged old sock, filled with two ball like objects to make the mermaid look like she has boobs.also i changed the supporting stick to a paddle, i thought changing it from a branch to a paddle would be more clearer as you would most likely find a paddle rather than a branch. i also changed the colour of the arm branch. I wanted to change it to a lighter brown as it would make it look more like a piece of drift wood. 

 Here is another design. I found this one to be more better than the others. After designing the sock boobs I was not pleased with this outcome, i thought keeping the shell bra would be a better idea, but having them more hanging down. I also changed the face to having barnacles as the eyes and still red paint for the lips, but making it look like its been splatted on. the other change was the colour of the skirt hanging down to a cornish flag. by changing it to the flag, it would make the animation look more cornish which if people didn't realise that it's based in cornwall. the last thing i added was the eye cut out holed shown on the skirt.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

More motion capture

The other day me and freddy spent the day rehearsing and then going into the mocap studion to act out the whole animation. here is a silly little dance we did at the end. we are thinking of having the farther and son at the end (end credits) dancing around, funny outtakes.

working on more animatic shots

When looking over the animatic, we was still not pleased with it. a few shots and camera angles were not strong enough. freddy has been working on adding and editing the start of the animation. I again have been getting the shots off freddy and adding the props, backgrounds, ect. A few example shots below.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Improved student turnaround

It seemed from the first turnaround that the proportions of limbs, nose, ect were not right for being put into maya to then be modelled, so i went back to tweak a few changes.
first turnaround
Improved version
As you can see i have changed the thickness of his thighs, his face and also I have changed his hat. I decided to change his hat for the fact to make him look younger, I found the original beanie hat was not showing his style to look for very teen like.