Monday 18 February 2013

more mermaid designs

The mermaid was still undecided and a few of the early designed objects i designed was not what i wanted to use. I thought id try taking off the shell bra and placing it with a rugged old sock, filled with two ball like objects to make the mermaid look like she has boobs.also i changed the supporting stick to a paddle, i thought changing it from a branch to a paddle would be more clearer as you would most likely find a paddle rather than a branch. i also changed the colour of the arm branch. I wanted to change it to a lighter brown as it would make it look more like a piece of drift wood. 

 Here is another design. I found this one to be more better than the others. After designing the sock boobs I was not pleased with this outcome, i thought keeping the shell bra would be a better idea, but having them more hanging down. I also changed the face to having barnacles as the eyes and still red paint for the lips, but making it look like its been splatted on. the other change was the colour of the skirt hanging down to a cornish flag. by changing it to the flag, it would make the animation look more cornish which if people didn't realise that it's based in cornwall. the last thing i added was the eye cut out holed shown on the skirt.

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