Thursday 11 October 2012

st.ives inspiration

seb and freddy went across to penzance to get some photos of more boats and more recordings of fisherman. I thought that i would travel down to st ives to explore the small harbour front as i find st ives to be one of the most famous fishing towns around cornwall.
I come across many interesting objects such as anchors, fishing barrels and fishing nets

when coming to look off the pier and walking down to the beach i found every single boat was a fishing boat. full of bright colourful boats which were great for thinking of more ideas.

I thought it would be a good idea to pull my trousers up and get into the sea so i could jump into the boats and get the fell of what it's like to be in those cold wet crooked boats.

I stumbled across one specific boat which really interest me with it's inflatable footballs used as boat boise.
Also the fisherman i interviewed.

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