Wednesday 27 March 2013

texturing the knife.

Using a range of different types of rust textures i was able to build up a combination of different blends of rust and also parts of metal still coming through. i thought by adding blood but not to much blood would make it look more grubby looking. with sculpting, I added a few dents and bumps around the handle and also the blade area, giving it a jaggedy uneven sharpness to it.


Saturday 23 March 2013

more extra characters for dear nana

here are more characters for dear nana. lydia set me to design some more extras for the swimming pool scene.

Monday 18 March 2013

Texturing the son

I was giving the son to begin texturing on mudbox. It was my first time on mudbox but I managed to it up quite quickly on how to use it by a few tutorials. I began by starting on his face by getting the right skin colour. I had to make sure that he didn't look to tanned as he doesn't get out in the sun to much also to keep him pale as he is ginger.
 I then put some red to his face.
 I then went on to add some freckles and also his eyebrows.
 finally finishing his face off with some spots to make him look more like a teenager.
I then went on to texture his hoodie by starting off with scanning in my hoodie at a high quietly and then adding it onto the son. this gave his hoodie a sort of netting look to it.
I then started on sculpting cresses at the ends of the sleeves.
 Then moving onto sculpting folds around the hoodie to give it a move realistic look.
 More folds around the back.
finished hoodie.
texture from hoodie a scanned in.
Now the trousers were a difficult one. again I scanned an image of my trousers

 then adding the bumpy areas to parts such as the pockets.

with the hands i added a few faint areas with red like i did with the face and also a few freckles. again I had to watch the colour of the skin and keep it look the same as the face
I then went onto sculpting knuckles. 

the shoes were another tricky one. I had to make sure to make them look a bit realistic but not to realistic
 adding dirt and muddy patches.
Finally the hat.

sculpting a few bumpy areas.



Monday 11 March 2013

character proportions.

After looking at lydia character designs, I realised that the proportions of the characters i'v made are not the same as what lydia is wanting. My designs have been to small and have not been tall enough. lydia scaled my designs up with her character.

 After adjusting the size, below are the new scaled up right characters. I now know in future to not make this mistake again.

more animatic shots

so the animatic is still in process and is still being edited with miner changes. Again i have been giving shots to then add props and backgrounds too. few recent examples below 

Thursday 7 March 2013

more characters for dear nana

After finalising the cross dresser sally, Lydia set me me some other characters to create. she gave me the traffic warden and the life guard. for these characters i didn't need to create turnarounds for them as they are characters which are in the animation for only seconds.

For the traffic warden, I had to watch out for making him look like a police man to much. when drawing him out, I created him with a ticket box, but this made him look to much like a ticket man on a train, so I went for a simple zip up pouch with bright red and yellow tickets
With the life guard, I went for thr typical red speedo shorts, blode surfy hair and tanned skin. I thought of adding a vest to him would be best as i thought if I didn't, it would make him look to much like he's off bay watch.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

dear nana character sally

After designing the farmer and Roddey the dog, Lydia then wanted me to begin desiign sally the man who dresses up as a woman. I was told to make her fashion very girly but have sally very manly. I come up with this drawing below.

farmer turnaround

dear nana. Roddey

The jack russel, Roddey for dear nana. I took the drawings a previously done before and put them into photoshop and cleaned them up with colour.

Sunday 3 March 2013

latest animatic

Mayan live draw-off

I entered this competition for the chance to win some prizes and to have the chance to get my work shown around falmouth. The competition was based in the shop gallery in falmouth which displays and sells artwork done by students. we had to draw a drawing of a mayan vide style drawing which then 4 people would get through to the next round.

I designed this drawing above of a mayan face. As i'v never drawn any sort of mayan drawing, I began to look at different types of artist which drew that type of mayan style. around 30 people entered the competition and the judges picked the 4 remaining best ones.

I was picked along side the other 3 people also. the 4 remaining people were then said to come to the shop gallery and have a live draw off and create a mayan drawing on a large scaled piece of paper within 2 hours.

the competition was tough and felt like it was over in less time than what we was giving. later on in the day, the judges choose which one was the best and who would win the prizes. in the end I came second, I was told it was a tough decision out of mine and Ed tuckwell's piece but in the end his was victorious. Here is my mayan drawing below and a video that was put together by the people at the shop gallery.

I enjoyed the chance to enter this competition and found that this is a great idea for students to show off there work to the public as falmouth lacks in opportunities to do things like this. hopefully soon or in the future there will be plenty of more chances like this to happen.