Sunday 3 March 2013

Mayan live draw-off

I entered this competition for the chance to win some prizes and to have the chance to get my work shown around falmouth. The competition was based in the shop gallery in falmouth which displays and sells artwork done by students. we had to draw a drawing of a mayan vide style drawing which then 4 people would get through to the next round.

I designed this drawing above of a mayan face. As i'v never drawn any sort of mayan drawing, I began to look at different types of artist which drew that type of mayan style. around 30 people entered the competition and the judges picked the 4 remaining best ones.

I was picked along side the other 3 people also. the 4 remaining people were then said to come to the shop gallery and have a live draw off and create a mayan drawing on a large scaled piece of paper within 2 hours.

the competition was tough and felt like it was over in less time than what we was giving. later on in the day, the judges choose which one was the best and who would win the prizes. in the end I came second, I was told it was a tough decision out of mine and Ed tuckwell's piece but in the end his was victorious. Here is my mayan drawing below and a video that was put together by the people at the shop gallery.

I enjoyed the chance to enter this competition and found that this is a great idea for students to show off there work to the public as falmouth lacks in opportunities to do things like this. hopefully soon or in the future there will be plenty of more chances like this to happen.

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