Sunday 28 April 2013

correcting the sons texturing

I started off with the hat which the colour that was projecting out was a light green which we wanted a darker green. also a few areas were showing up white. I went back to the layers on photoshop to sort them out.

secondly i went over the hoody which needed a few areas of a dark red and also the sleeve i wanted to be a dark maroon red.



I then went on to sort out the jeans. the only problem with these were the upper bit was showing a few white areas which easily I only had to paint over with black 

then other problem was the hands. from the mudbox file they showed up fine but when omari brought them into the lighting test, one of the layers i put a low opacity to come up with 100% which i didn't want. I also wanted to add a few more freckles to the tops of his hands as well.


lastly were the shoes which was the biggest problem. we wanted him to have old pairs of converses and from which a previously textures, they looked to new. Also the bottoms of them were to plain and i needed to add an actual texture of the bottoms of real converse shoes 

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