Sunday 28 April 2013

texturing (bucket)

after texturing the knife i then went on to texture the bucket. like the knife, i wanted to give the bucket that rusty old look to it with plenty of bumps and dents.

I first started off by giving the bucket a bump map. not going to over the top, I started off with giving it a few rough bumps in certain areas.

I then went on to paint the brown rust. using an image i had of actual rust texture, i began to cover the bucket with it.

more different rust textures were added.

 After the the bucket texturing was complete, I then started painting some bloody areas. not going to over the top with the blood to keep it not looking to gruesome.

 not forgetting the handle as well. i wanted to paint under the handle to make the bucket look like it's rusted over time from its original grey metal

not forgetting finally i had to paint the mermaids face on. i didn't want to go to crazy with painting a face because I had to remember to make her look ugly, also the only paint the son can use to paint the face on is red and black.  

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